One of my friends had a near death experience this week and now it seems he has done a 360 with his life.
He was hospitalized for a couple of days and the doctors told him that if had waited a few hours longer he would have died. If he got in a car accident and lost blood, he would die. If he fell and got hurt, he would die. Basically, he was going to die.
So after a couple of days in the hospital, a few procedures, and $9,000 later he seems to be alright. We were talking late last night and early into this morning and he has decided to make some changes in his life.
Drinking - Gone
Smoking - Gone
Coffee - Gone
Drugs - Gone
Milk - Gone
I am not sure why he is giving up milk but he has switched over to soy milk. He has also decided to buy a house and sell his business.
In the year and a half that I have known him, last night was the first time I got to really "know" him. We talked about stuff that actually matters and I couldn't help but wonder how I would feel if he was no longer in my life. I am not going to say that I love him (because someone is keeping track of how many times I fall in love this year), but I will say that I realized how much I care about him during this whole ordeal.
18 years ago
I think you mean a 180. A 360 would take him right back to where he started. Mere technicality, I know.
But we're always in flux... If you were to die tomorrow [knock on wood], what would you change?
Anyway, good for your friend. That's some drastic change, selling his business and buying a house, etc. But mostly, I'm just glad that your friend is okay from the accident/mishap.
That's heavy. I'm with Robert on this one...I think about it often and if I found out I had days or week left I would make drastic changes too. Sadly that means I should take action now. I'm glad your friend is ok. Take it easy this weekend.
I'm sorry to hear about this ordeal. (Even though you were pretty vague as to what caused him to get to that place)
I could totally write several blog pages worth of stuff on this entry, but alas, it's all stuff I have preached to you before, so I won't bother your readers with it. :o)
But let me put down in writing for all to see, something I think is wise to all that have drama in their life. If you have 'realized how much you care about him' what are you going to do about it? If you're not going to do a single thing, then you might as well stop thinking that you 'care a lot for him' and let him go. My suggestion... Stop living the status quo and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. And I'm not speaking of childish games either. ;o)
That's wise KB's advise for the day.
Not to be all "lemme tell you what to do" or anything...I just wanted to say that a friend of mine used to tell me that when we stop accepting what's just handed to us and demand better, we get better--we become better.
Like I said, just throwing it out there.
Exactly what happened to the guy?!
Thanks to all for your advice.
SM - Yes, 180. That is what I meant.
Robert - I like to think I am happy with my life but if I could change anything and not have to worry about money or anything else I would go move back to California. I would also stop pushing relationships away and date someone. I know I should probably not wait until I have a day left but I am working on it, especially the moving back.
Sue - It is just so hard to make changes in your life. Let's say you don't like your job, well, you just can't get up and leave. Yes, that would make you happier but how are you going to pay your bills? I guess that is why some changes have to made one step at a time.
KB - You are wise. Thanks for the advice. You know that song? When the Wrong one loves your right? I think that is our situation. We may like each other but it may not be meant to work.
SG - I like that advice. You have a wise friend. And it's so true, you can live your life with what you are given or you can go out and get better, and demand more.
Paul - I am not sure that I can say. He may be my Shameless Shalom and read my blog :)
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