Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Hump Day

I don't have anything to report today. So instead I am pointing out the blogs I recently added (two days ago) to the Blogs I Read.

I have been reading most of these blogs for a while now but I have been to lazy to add them to my list. Check them out, they are all interesting folks.

Alexander The Gay
Bedtime Stories
Me Talk Pretty Everyday
My lil sock drawer
'til the cows come home
What does the world look like

Happy Reading!


Anonymous said...

Yay for a lot of blogs from Malaysia. :-)

I hope your day is very pretty just like yourself. Have a fabulous day!

Martinez Family said...

What about the inspired prose from FWMama?

Hmpf. Proof I'm not that interesting.

porchmouse said...

WOOHOO! I made the cut. Love it! I need to kick myself in the ass and add a list to mine as well. By the way, I checked the weather in Texas and am very jealous as I write you from this -25 degree celcius windchill city of mine. Send me some sun.


Just Me said...

Shigeki - My day was fabolous! We are having perfect weather here :)

FWmamam - Sorry. I thought I already had you on my list.

Sue - The weather here is GREAT right now. I hope it last at least a few months, maybe that will motivate me to go jogging :)

Alex said...

Thanks for linking me!