Thursday, March 16, 2006

Notify your Face

I am not ashamed to say that I LOVE Ricky Martin. There is no point to the story, I am just listening to the cd and I wanted to share with you guys. :) If he was here I would tell him "I don't care I just want to be yours".

O.K. so on to other news. I have a new VP and we get to meet him today. He is like a rock star in the Import/Export world. I have meet him before at seminars, industry training, etc. He has written several books and is always invited to speak at major conferences when changes in the industry are about to take place. I am not sure if I am going to faint when I meet him or if I will have my pen and book ready for an autographs. Every time my I think about it, my heart skips a beat.
Alright, I am joking about the autograph and the heart thing. But it is kind of exciting. He will add an additional layer between me and the Wicked Witch and he definitely knows what he is talking about, maybe there will be some good changes in this department.

From Life's Little Instruction Book, Volume II

517 - When you feel terrific, notify your face.


ça va pas la tête said...

Ricky Martin is HOT alright

KB said...

yummmm... I just want to lick him all over. I love him. He is so hot. Whenever I see him perform, I just want him to wip it out. Does anyone else ever want him to just wip it out? I feel the same way about that Chris guy on AI.

I bet you have an autograph of your new VP already framed and siting in your office somewhere.