Tuesday, March 07, 2006


I had a weird dream last night. I was at school listening to a lecture from some sort of Christian Science lady. She was introduced by Donald Trump who apparently was the president of the United States. The Christian Science lady hated Donald and she went off on him. Later a few explosions were heard and we thought it was a car bomb so we started to panic. Dirty water starts coming towards us and somehow my sister and brother-in-law were with me and we started to run, as we are running the waves of water are getting higher and we are desperately trying to find shelter. We ran into one of the school buildings and we try to get to the stairwell (b/c Oprah said that was the best place to be in case of a terrorist attack) but the military was forcing us to stay on the ground level (even with all of the water) so we try to look for another access to the stairwell. When the water started to get into the building they moved us to a big conference/cafeteria type place and that is when I woke up.

What does it mean? Is anyone good at interpreting dreams?

In other news - Chico and I started playing tennis yesterday and we suck. I am not being modest, we SUCK. I think we need lessons. It was fun making Chico run back and forth across the court :) I had a good laugh.

In other news - I am really, really, really excited right now. Yesterday I got a call and I have tickets to go see Cirque du Soleil later this month at the AA Center. I love Cirque du Soleil! I am watching Delirium. I can't wait.


Anonymous said...

Even though I rarely dream during my sleep, I have this thick *blush* dream dictionary in my study and looked it up.

Running Away
Escaping from the reality like study but if you are successfully able to run away from the thing, it means your studying will be successfuly complete.

The major milestone of your life is coming up pretty soon.

Climbing up a stairway is the stress level of yours is increasing dramatically.

Going down a stairway means things are getting sorted out.

Your life force is getting stronger. There will be some sort of achievement in the near future.

I just translated them with my little vocab. But if you ask me, I guess it's not a bad thing?

Martinez Family said...

What do you mean you need lessons? You took tennis classes all through high school, remember?

By the way, do you still have my tennis racket? You borrowed it for your brother eons ago.

Just Me said...

Shigeki - Thanks for the translation. Overall it all seems good. I wish I had been climbing down the stairs instead of up but I will take the rest of the dream interpretation. Thanks.

Chico - I was trying, I just can't help that I am so good that I made it look effortless :)

Fwmama - That was AGES ago. Almost 10 years. I suck these days.

I do have your racket. ;) Do you want it back?