Tuesday, March 21, 2006


So I mentioned I went to the doctor yesterday. It seems like my body hates me. Those of you that know me, know I have had some minor health issues over the last few years. I had some procedures done a year or two ago that was suppose to take care of everything but it seems like things are back again. My doctor put me on medication so hopefully it will take care of that. Anyway, so now my confession -

confession 1
Every time I go see my gastroenterologist I wear my trashy, sluty, whore's underwear. Not because I think anything is going to happen with my doctor but because every time I see him I have to strip down to my underwear and get in one of those hospital gowns. I don't buy special underwear for my doctor, apparently...according to some of my friends...all of my underwear is trashy, sluty, and whore's.
I am sure my doctor things it's a treat. ;)

confession 2
I hate talking on the phone. I hate it. And I hate returning phone calls just as much. Every time I call someone I secretly hope they don't pick up and it sends me to their voice mail and they forget to call me back. Next time I call you, send me to your voice mail.
(There are some exceptions...I love talking to my KB, Chico, SM, and Juan!!!)


Wild Reeds said...

Hi Kai,
Great blog! ya I share confession #2... sometimes I pre-decide how many rings I'm gonna allow before I hang up. But other times am really eager to talk... dunno.

swirly girl said...

What exactly constitutes "trashy, sluty, whore's" underwear? I don't think I have any of that. I think girls just go without panties. Maybe I'm wrong.

Robert said...

Re: #1, I need visuals; pictures, sketches, etc. Front, back, topview, whatever. :-)

Re: #2, I'm exactly the same way. When I was a lot younger, I used to talk and talk and talk and rack up a huge phone bill [which I paid for myself]. These days, the less I talk the better. I'm a hermit!

I like these confessions. Tell us more!!! :-) Hope you feel better soon!

KB said...

Confession 1 Response:
Well, I have helped you pick out your underwear on an occasion or two, or three, and I happen to know that not ALL of it is slutty whore underwear, but I'd say a lot of your underwear could be interpreted that way. But you know what? Who cares? What's wrong with having underwear that makes you feel and look sexy? Nada!

Confession 2 Response: I am very excited to hear this. Because I too hate talking on the phone. Which is why my friends seem to always plan on what to say to my voicemail before they even start dialing. And I've surprised them on occasion, but actually picking up. :) I don't know why I hate the phone. But I do. So peeps, don't take it personally if I don't answer. I might actually not be around my phone, or, I might also just be sending you to voicemail. It's not because I don't love you. I did just get balled out by my friend Kai, about how I needed to try more to be a good friend, because of this very same reason. I have now vowed to call him until he begs me to stop. I called him this weekend. First time he picked up, second time, I think he sent me to voicemail. Then I texted him twice on top of that. This reminds me. I haven't called him today. Better get on it.

KB said...

One more thing. How do I get my blog to post a picture like wild reeds, swirly girl, and robert? Do I need to have some picture on my site first? I think this is neet.

Anonymous said...

Slutty and Whore's undies. :-) I love them. I can totally related to the confession number 2. I am always like that, too. On the other hand, I like leaving a message on voicemail. :-) I just can't get it enough. :-)Have a great day!

Martinez Family said...

I talk on the phone ALL DAY long. I just got done with an 80 minute interview. After all that is said and done, I have zero desire to spend several more hours on the phone chatting with folks. Sorry. But, dear Kai, I'm glad to know you'll pick up the phone for me! I feel loved!

joey said...

I'm with you on the phone thing - hate it!

And I agree with Robert. We need visuals to affirm whether or not your underwear is indeed trashy. ;)

Just Me said...

Wild Reeds - Thanks for stopping by. I like your sites.

SG - You know the kind of underwear that dancers wear that show off their package? Well, that kind. Although mine aren't that trashy, I wear mine for comfort.

Robert - haha. I will get it on straight away. I have some pictures I might be able to post but I am not reall sure anyone really wants to see that LOL

I have never really been a phone person. I prefer email.

KB - You crack me up. I could not stop laughing after I read your response to confession 2. ;)

Shigeki - I use to like the days when people didn't have voice mail or answering machines. That way you could always say you called but nobody pikced up. Those were the good ol' days.

Joey - :) The pictures are coming, I will take an online poll to determine if they are trashy or if my friends judge to harshly :)

swirly girl said...

This just proves how sheltered I am! I had no idea that was considered trashy. And on the 'comfort' excuse...personally, they look a little constrictive.