Saturday, September 09, 2006

Moms, the Anti-Spending

My mom is staying with me again this week and she is very much a home body which has helped me curve my spending. I love my mother and I love spending time with her but I need to get out every once in a while and be social. I take after my father in being social.

We really haven't gone out to eat this week, she cooks at home or I pick up something light for dinner at EatZi's. So last night when a friend of mine invited her to go to dinner at his restaurant I couldn't turn it down. But unfortunately she turned it down. So would I be a bad son and go to dinner without her or would I stay at home and keep her company?

I stayed home.

Then the same friend invited her to his house on Saturday to lounge by the pool and have cocktails. I was already imagining myself in my little bathing suit with a drink in hand. But unfortunately she turned that down also.

So it is Saturday night and I am at home.

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