Monday, November 21, 2005

Hello Doctor & Weekend Update

So I met this guy at a gathering over the weekend and he is cute, smart, funny, lives in the same state as I do, and he is adorable. I just don't know if he is interested in me or not. It was a brief conversation, actually not so brief I now know most of his history. We talked, we laughed, we flirted (or I flirted...I think he was flirting with me also) and we had a good time. I gave him my number before I was dragged away so hopefully he will call me. Keep your fingers crossed for me, I think he may be a keeper.

Soo...Saturday morning I decided I was going to take the wallpaper off in the restroom, paint, and fix it up a little before I rent out my house. Well, I should have had this idea before my mother came to town. I love her to death but she made my simple weekend project last a lot longer than I wanted it to. She decided it would look better if we added texture to the walls, and I don't know how to do that so now we are going to wait until my father visits for Christmas to fix the restroom. It looks horrible, all of the wallpaper is down. I will be glad when I finally move.

Other than that my weekend was pretty uneventful. I went shopping with my one of my friends who gets a discount at a major retailer and I took advantage of his friends and family discount. I now have more than what I will need to decorate my new place.

Oh, the guy is a med student and is currently doing his rotations.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ooo! Hot doctor! You definitely need to persue that! --SM