Sunday, January 22, 2006

Is it to late?

I met a guy in December at an event I attended. He was very cute, funny, friendly, and seemed smart. We talked, we laughed, and had a good time. At the end of the night he asked for my number and I didn't have any problems giving it to him but we couldn't find a pen. So he gave me his number and I saved it on my phone but I still haven't called. I meant to call but one thing led to another and next thing you know a month has passed and I still haven't called. Is it to late to call? Would you take my phone call?

When he gave me his number I said something along the lines of "So now I have to do all of the work" to which he replied "I will do all the work later" and did this cute/sexy thing with his tongue.


porchmouse said...

Just stumbled onto your blog and have one thing to say...absolutely's never too late!


ça va pas la tête said...

CALL NOW. CALL NOW. Thanks for dropping by to assure me of 'I am there' ;)

KB said...

I say don't bother.
Some guy got my number and didn't call for a month. So then I thought, wow, this guy remembered me after a month! I was totally impressed. And thought, wow, I must have made a really good impression. But then when we finally went out, he was a total idoit. I wish I could have been left with my little fantasy that this really hot guy and I hit it off one night at the bar.

So I guess, if you do call him, be prepared to be dissapointed.

swirly girl said...

Grow a pair and call! And just apologize you little heart out for taking so long.

Anonymous said...

Well, you can just make up an excuse all the time. And let his cute little tongue thingy do things on you. :)

But what cute thingy?

But not to ruin your dream, he might have looked cute at that time. you never know how he changed since then.... But that's a risk you should take and it may be fantabulous.

Martinez Family said...

It aint' going to hurt to call. The holidays are crazy for everyone. I think it's understandable that you're just now getting your ass in gear.

Just Me said...

All - O.K. It seems like everyone (or just about) everyone thinks I should call. And I agree with you guys. I will give him a call tonight and see if we can meet up this week for a drink or dinner or something.

Sue - Thanks for stopping by. I hope the elections in CA went the way you wanted them to. I don't keep up with CA politics but I do know from reading other blogs that CA may alect someone similar to Bush...

Ca va pas la tete - I am still around. I am glad you are too :)

KB - Uhmm, sounds like you had a bad experience with this guy. Hopefully my experience won't be that bad :) I will let you know.

Swirly Girl - I think that is how I am going to start the conversation "Hi, Andrew? This is Cesar and I finally grew a pair. Sorry it took so long to call you" :)

Shigeki - You are right, he might look very different. I was drinking that night and I you know people look totally different when you are sober. I will keep you updated.

fwmama - It won't hurt anything but my prde if he doesn't remember me :)