Monday, July 26, 2004

Horacio Update - Tales of Cheating and Drama, Lots of Drama

I got a call from my friend "Hank" today and he never calls me unless he wants to gossip. So we chat for about 20 minutes and I can tell he is building up to it and then.....BOOM there it is. He brings up the topic of my friend "Horacio" and wants to know if I have talked to him lately (see post from July 18 - Weekend Update). I haven't so I did not say anything. All of a sudden he is giving me all kinds of information about how Horacio's boyfriend is cheating on him. I didn't tell him I already knew and just let him continue talking. It turns out everyone knows except for Horacio and they want to get together next weekend and tell him. Horacio and his boyfriend are suppose to be signing a lease for a new apartment where the boyfriend, I will call him "Mike" for now, will be living. Everyone is all up in arms about it and want to tell him before he signs the lease and is committed to an apartment that he won't live in.

I called Horacio tonight to see how he was doing but him and his mother were at the hospital visiting his step-mother. I will call him again tomorrow to see how he is doing but I have already decided that I am not getting involved. I am way to old to be involved with all of this Drama. What is it about gay men and drama? Do you think we will ever leave this behind? I sure do hope so.

I know it sounds like I am being a bad friend, but Horatio already caught Mike cheating once when they lived in a different city and didn't do anything about it. I don't want to get involved because I know he won't do anything about it. Sure, he will huff and puff for a week, talk about how he sees everything clearly now, how he is empowered, how he won't be fooled again....but a week later they will be back together.

Just an update. I am sure I will be hearing more about this as the story unfolds. I hope they tell him soon so they all get it out of their systems.

1 comment:

Just Me said...

You are so right. I got another call last night. I think I am going to stop picking up my phone.