Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Have You Ever?

Lost your debit card?

I went to the bank this morning to get cash and I was so distracted that I walked drove away without taking my card out of the ATM machine. I did not notice until 5 minutes later when I was driving to work, I turned around but my card was long gone. I immediately called the bank and it doesn't seem like any other transactions were processed.
Now I have to wait until August the 4th to get my new card. What am I going to do? I use my card for EVERYTHING, I never carry cash.

I am going to the bank during my lunch hour and I am going to try to get a temporary card issues.


KB said...

ha ha ha! Well, that'll teach you.
The bank won't be able to issue a temp. one because they have to order it. So your SOL (shit out of luck).
I have gone to the ATM before and taken out $80, been so worried about forgetting my card, that I forgot to take the money. That really sucked because it was the last $80 I had for 2 weeks. So at least you weren't as "brilliant" as me. :o)
The good thing is, if you don't grab your card when the atm spits it out, after a certain amount of time the atm sucks it back in and keeps it. So maybe they can see if the ATM has it in it's belly somewhere.

Just Me said...

I am a little embarrased but the whole thing but I figured I would write about it and give you guys a laugh.

I called my back and they WILL be able to issue a temporary one. I am just lucky, I LOVE my bank.