Monday, July 10, 2006

Date Night

I had a date tonight.

With a younger man.

He is 25 and very cocky (as in dirty). Is it me or are younger guys more confident these days?

It didn't go very well, we didn't have much in common, and the conversation wasn't really flowing. It's a good thing one of my friends happen to be on a date at a restaurant two doors down and he stopped by joined us for a while.

The guy is very touchy and has very strong hands. He walked up behind me and started rubbing my shoulders...I was so tempted to bring him back to my place for a rub down...but I decided against it.

No second date for him.


Alex said...

Good decision.
But not all 25 yr olds are like that. I'm not.

Just Me said...

Hi Alex -
I am not saying all 25 year old are like that. I just try not to date anyone that is two years younger than me or 5 years older than me. I find that I tend to get along with people in that age bracket.
I do make exceptions though, based on the guy.

KB said...

25 is young? How old are you?

Robert said...

So that's it, I'm officially a Daddy!

Topher said...

What if someone younger than him asked you out? Hmm, per kb's question.. I'd take you're 27??

Your friend just happens to be two doors restaurant down. *sings it's a small world after all Darn, I definitely need to move out of VA

Just Me said...

KB - I am 28.

Robert - You are not old at all.

Kris - It really all depends on the guy. If he is mature and responsible I have no problems going out with a younger guy. But they also have to have a good head on their sholders, and be smart, funny, and all of the other good tuff.

Yea, my friend was just two doors down. I was in a very gay neighborhood having coffee so there is always a bunch of gay people hanging out there.