Sunday, May 04, 2008

Yellow Pages Goes Green!

If you haven't already done so, go to Yellow Pages Goes Green and submit your address to be removed from receiving unsolicited Yellow Pages.

Who uses the yellow pages anyway? Most people who use the internet are savvy enough to know how to look up any information they need via the internet or they are familiar with google's free text service that provides you an address and a phone number for what you are looking for.

So why do we continue to receive Yellow Pages? If you are like me, you either throw them away or recycle them as soon as you receive the. Why not save yourself a step and sign up to stop receiving them all together?

Pass on the information to as many people as possible and maybe we can save a tree or a forrest.


kenc said...

You receive print yellow pages because people use them -- nearly 14 billion times last year. And that’s just the print versions. 87% of all adults reference them at least once a year, 70% in a typical month, and 50+% on average month. How about on average 1.4X each week?

The Internet is wonderful thing, but the myth that it all we need doesn't hold water. The Wall Street Journal reported recently that the broadband market is about tapped out. There will always be a good percentage of the population that will never have access to the industry’s Internet products. Barely more than 50% of households in the U.S. (about 56 million homes), currently subscribe to a high-speed Internet service. An additional 21 million households still use dial-up connections (yes, you read that right – dial-up connections).

Just Me said...

Hi Ken.

Where are you getting your numbers from?

I have not used the Yellow or white pages in over 4 or 5 years. I do get them, but they are either thrown out or recycled.

I live in a condo community, our yellow pages are delivered to our mailbox area and several times a year we receive pallets of yellow pages that get thrown out because nobody uses them. Why bother?

I am not saying that the yellow pages should be eliminated, although I believe that will happen with time. I am saying that you have options...if you do not use the yellow pages and they are delivered to your home then you can opt out of receiving them all together and save a tree while you are at it.