Friday, May 16, 2008


Meetings at my hell hole are horrible. Everyone talks over each other and everyone wants to be the alpha male/female so they have to get their point across no matter what.

I just got out of a meeting that should have taken 30 minutes at the most but instead took almost an hour and a half. Everyone talks all over each other so you can't hear anything anyone says. If someone is speaking someone else chimes in with something completely unrelated so nothing ever gets accomplished. After something has been decided someone wants to make changes.

After a while I had to say "THE FORMAT HAS BEEN DECIDED, MOVE ON" and "YOU ARE ALL SAYING THE SAME THING!" and yes I did raise my voice. You have to raise your voice if you want to be heard.

I hate meetings.

Tell me about your meetings. Are they better than mine? Do people pay attention?


Martinez Family said...

One of my colleagues at the office has a sign on her wall that says: "Meetings--An acceptable alternative to work." How true.

Meetings are huge friggin' waste of my time. I don't think I've ever been to a productive meeting, honestly.

At my place, the problem is that no one wants to take action on anything. You present an idea, look around and see a bunch of nods and hear...nothing. On other occasions, we keep going round and round about the same thing. I'm the vocal person in the group usually, forcing everyone to either come to a decision or move the agenda along.

Hate meetings. Hate them, hate them.

Just Me said...

FWM: I am right there with you. I hate them too. At my old place, we use to have so many meetings and nothing was ever accomplished.