Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Mom proofing my place

So my mom and brother stayed with me for a couple of days. Right before they arrived I cleaned and mom proofed my place to make sure she wasn't going to find any porn, condoms, handcuffs, whips, etc.

I have a lot of condoms. A LOT! Had she found them she would have been proud to know I am at least being safe.

I took the day off from work and we went and did some more shopping, lots of eating, and just spent time together. They left today so this afternoon I met up with a friend for dinner to finalize plans for an event we are planning this coming week and to gossip. Or so I thought. Towards the end of the meal I was surprised and asked to consider joining one of the local steering committees for a national non profit organization. I had heard rumors I was being considered but I thought they were just rumors. I was also asked to join this group for a political campaign in November in Minnesota or of these states. I always get these two states confused.

I am going to consider it but I think I already do to much and I don't want to be one of those people who dedicate all of my spare time to working with others. Call me selfish, call me self absorbed but I need my 'me' time.

Not sure, I will sleep on it and make a decision later. The offer hasn't been formalized and I won't have to make a decision for a few more months.


Martinez Family said...

Mom-proofing. Heh. That's funny.

I'm proud that you're being considered for such a position! It shows that people really think highly of you. It'll be a tough decision, though.

dantallion said...

I used to have to Mom-proof as well. I refer to it as "de-fagging" the place.

Earl said...

A whip...intriguing.

But 'whips'?

I think we've got a kinky Texan here!

Anonymous said...

hand cuffs??? wow.

I think it's very alright that you don't really distinguish Minnesota and Wisconsin. They are pretty much the same in my book :-)