Tuesday, April 18, 2006

New Start

I have a lot of people in my phone book, I wouldn't call them friends, I just know them from school, work, or from other activities I am involved in. There are times when I am sitting at home trying to figure out what to do for the day and I go through my whole phone book and there is really only a hand full of people I actually talk to.
I also have a lot of my friends in my phone book but for the most part it seems like I am the one making all of the effort to keep the friendship going. On Saturday I was having lunch with my friend Hawk and we were talking about three of our friends who I just can't be around anymore. It seems every time we get together all they want to do is talk bad about someone, be catty bitches, and try to make someone else feel bad. I just don't want that in my life, why do you they have to put someone else down to make themselves feel better? I just want to be around negative people. Is that so wrong? I have made sure I was "busy" the last two times they all got together.

So last night I went through my phone book and I deleted a lot of people from my contact list, I am tired of always making the effort. I am tired of always having to call you when we get together, I am tired of having meaningless friendships that only bring me down. I am tired.

Check out Swirly Girl's entry, she put's it so much better than I do.


KB said...
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KB said...

After reading Swirlygirls entry...

You know what, I've been told that I am a ball buster many times over my 29 years. And you know what? Only maybe a handful of times has that hurt me. I make absolutely no excuses for knowing what I want, going for it, and accepting nothing less then the best. Of course my personality can use some improvements. I do come off as being a bit too rash for some peoples tastes too soon. But even so, I for the most part. Like the person I am today, and I would not have become the person I am today if it weren't for who I was yesterday. As well as the trials and tribulations I've gone through in my past.

Everything happens for a reason, even horrible or painful things. These are meant to make you stronger. If you ignorantly chose to bypass the lesson, you'll just repeat it until you inevitably do learn. This is why some people reach a sense of peace with their lives sooner than others.

KB said...

I made a comment that should not have been made. Therefore, I deleted it, and am reposting...

I am proud of you! You do have a lot of useless contacts. Good riddense to bad rubbish! And those that just take up space!

People in my phone book are all people I care about, or family members that I have to have numbers to by default.

I hope you didn't delete me! I make an effort to be your friend! I just hate the phone! I'm doing better though! I'm still a good person even though I don't call! I keep asking you to come see me and you never do. So maybe you're not a good friend to me now that I think about it...

Ditto to Chico! I'm going to go read swirly girl now.

swirly girl said...

Hahah! I didn't know that I had a freakin' fan club over here!

I love me some Chico, too bad his blog is on stupid myspace and I don't do myspace.

KB, My whole point to the entry that CR directed you to was to basically say that no one should want to be or live a stagnante (sp?) life. And that by continuing to do thing just as part of the status quo or out of fear is not a good reason.

ok, this here ends my soapbox ranting and raving at someone else's blog.

p.s. Love me some KB and CR too.

Martinez Family said...

Don't delete me! I love ya, buddy! But I hate talking on the phone. Sigh. I hear what you're saying about ditching the negative folks in my life. I think that's a big reason why I quit pursuing the friendships with my co-workers from my last job. That place just dripped with negative karma. And it seems like these friendships were tainted with this negativity, too. When we would talk, the conversation always turned to hurtful gossip. Life's too short for that, you know?

But, I've also come to realize that I need to make a better effort to reach out to folks. I think I tend to let my busy life (work, family, etc.)eclipse everything else. Achieveing balance is so hard.

Just Me said...

Chico - Yes. I always end up with peoples numbers on my phone and a few weeks later I have no clue who they are. I need to stop going out so much.

KB - You are a ball buster...but a good one. Read the comment I made on your blog about your ball busting ways.

KB - You are right, I do have a lot of people in my life that should probably not be in it. They are either dragging me down or making things more difficult for me. New leaf baby.

SG - I was going to change the title of my blog to "Swirly Girl's Fan Club" but I thought it would be to much. :)
I agree with your comment, if you are stagnant for to long you eventually become stuck in the life you have created for yourself. The same goes for jobs, if you don't change jobs often you will get comfortable with what you are doing and never want to leave the company again.

SM - You def. needed to ditch those people, they were just bringing you down.

Robert said...

And the older you get, the less numbers you have! hahaha! But don't laugh, it's true! :-)