Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Neti Pot

I have been experiencing a really bad cold for almost 3 weeks now. It all started on Christmas day and ever since then I have had really bad sinus problems, headaches, etc.

While surfing the web yesterday I found an article about titled Short, Stout, Has a Handle on Colds which talks about the Neti Pot.

Basically the it's a pot that allows you to clean your nasal passages. According to the article the Neti pot was
Originally part of a millennia-old Indian yogic tradition, the practice of nasal irrigation — jala neti — is performed with a small pot that looks like a cross between Aladdin’s lamp and your grandmother’s gravy boat.

After work yesterday I was running around town doing some errands and I passed by a Whole Foods so I went in and looked through their holistic isles and found the Neti pot. I took it home and tried it later that night. It was a little difficult to use at first put after I got the hang of it it was easy and painless. I was able to tell a difference immediately. My nasal passages were cleared out and I could breath. It was amazing. I am going to keep trying it for the next couple of weeks and see how I feel.

It also helps with snoring...which someone says I have a problem with. So we will see how it works.


dantallion said...

I'm afraid to ask how it works, although I'm happy you're feeling better

Topher said...

And I was just wondering whether it worked or not.. I'm gonna have to check it out eventhough my cold has gone away after 5 days. Good to hear you're better! Yea, cure that snoring before I visit :D

KB said...

OMG! I can't believe you bought one of those things! It's such a trend this year. We sell them at my company, and even though I think they might actually be usefull, I refuse to back them because of all the stupid pushing down our customers thoats we've done with it.

Dantallion, Google it. It's 'lovely'. You have to tilt your head over the sink, and dump usually a saline concoction into one nostril and let it run out the other.