Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Does anyone have anything interesting to report? Anything?

Work is really slow right now. We all have to take our vacations by the end of this month or we loose the time that we accumulated so everyone is out of the office and as a result we are completely bored out of our minds.

I would take time off but I don't have any left. So if you have a blog I need you to update. If you don't have a blog I need you to leave a comment and entertain me.




Legolas said...

I'm leaving today too! Gonna get away from the crazy office.

Martinez Family said...

OK, Mr. Lazy Blogger. Sounds like YOU are the one with time on your hands. How 'bout you put together a riveting essay for us to read? Huh? Huh? These little three sentence posts just aren't cutting it for me. :)

Just Me said...

Legolas: Hopefully you had a good evening. One of my favorite things to do is to leave the office and not think about work until the next day.

FWMama: I have absolutly nothing to post about. Nothing! You would be completely bored and I would loose all 3 of my readers. haha.

Give me a few topics and I will post.

Martinez Family said...

I still haven't seen my list of Mexican proverbs/sayings. You could work on that!