Friday, December 21, 2007

Christmas Music

I know some people love Christmas music, my boyfriend is one of those people. But come on people! Christmas music all the time? What is wrong with you?

I am in the office today and apparently everyone here wants to listen to Christmas music so my co-worker has his speakers up and they are all singing along.

I am not a fan of the music and it has actually put me in a bad mood. Isn't that the opposite of what Christmas music suppose to do?

I would tell them to turn it off but it's 4 against 1. While he is out to lunch I will be over there messing with his speakers.

1 comment:

KB said...

What a Scroog you are. It's only around for one time a year so suck it up.

I know what you mean though. I can't handle it for more than an hour before I go nuts.

And working at Macy's doesn't help much because I work for 6 hours, and the music loops around like 3 times while I'm there. And that music is the worst. None of the fun stuff.

And when did that song from the Sound of Music because a Christmas song???? That's another story all in itself.