Thursday, November 02, 2006

Horrible and Tragic Accident

My ipod suffered a horrible and tragic accident yesterday. I was at work listening to my music and a bad song came on. I hit the forward/next button and all of a sudden it stopped playing. The light was on but I couldn’t turn it off change songs or anything.

I think it went into a coma.

I tried everything I could to revive it but it was no use.

Last night I decided to pull the plug and take it in to Target and get a new one.

I now have a new ipod keeping me company at work.


Martinez Family said...

I know you spilled coffee on it or somthing. Admit it.

Topher said...

Ugh, why do some of them do that? Mine died also, after I unplugged it from the computer when I shouldn't have. Gave mine a week and it came back alive (This was after upgrading to the video iPod though heehee) It's awesooome. I got all Strangers of Candy episodes on it. Want some?

ENVY said...

Mine did that too...actually once or twice...But i love it...Not only that theres this one line of pixels that died a few months ago...but i love it...i use it as a USB also...i would never replace it...unless someone brings me a new one lol:P and no im not seing anyone else beside you..just to answer your question of your previous post...and i prefer not to share you...or i would nv the poeple with stuff/people/friends/lovers are unsharable!

Earl said...

They're full of quirks. Mine's only a couple of months old and I never know what to expect from it.