Tuesday, November 21, 2006

I am back

I have so many stories I could write but I just haven't had the time. I have been way to busy. But I am going to share a funny little store with you.

This morning I got an email from one of my friends. He just recently started dating someone and things seem to be going well for them two.

They were in bed last night and in the throws of passion my friend called him by my name. LOL. What a mood killer. So they had to stop and he had to explain our "relationship".

Isn't that funny? Have you ever done something like that?

I will post more over the weekend. I am off Thursday and Friday for the Thanksgiving holiday.


Anonymous said...

Did you really "throws" of passion? Coz that would be quite passionate indeed.
So many stories to tell, and what of this "relationship"? Looks like it ain't just your friend's date that needs answers... :)

Martinez Family said...

OK, dude. There has to be some serious history between you and this "friend" if he felt compelled to call your name while getting busy.

And it's "throes" of passion, by the way. I'm here to help.

Will said...

I can honestly say I've never done that. Nope, truly, I have never yelled out your name in bed. But I'll give it a shot and let you know how it goes.

Topher said...


Happy Thanksiving Kai!

savante said...

Yelled out your name in the throes? Hmm.. must try that :P

porchmouse said...

Good to hear from you. I have been busy too and decided I needed to post something today...anything...but my brain is tired...so cheers to future stories!