Wednesday, May 10, 2006


I have been really busy lately with school, work, working out and helping plan fundraisers. Things should get better though.

So I had a date last Friday with a really cute and smart guy. He is 22 and I met him through a friend, they work together doing accounting stuff. Normally accountants aren't the wildest people but the night I met him he had been drinking and was fun. The night of our date it was different, it was a struggle to carry a conversation. Part of it could be that he is shy but the other part could be that he is just plain boring. Who knows. Anyway, I don't see a second date anytime soon. He did ask if he could call me.

I have now lost 7 lbs, although I probably gained 3 with the ham, egg and cheese sandwich I had for breakfast this morning. My goal was to loose 10 lbs but according to the results of my wellness session I need to loose 14 to be considered in the "normal" range. I never...EVER...want to be considered normal so I am only going to loose 13.

I thought this was going to be a long post but I guess I don't have to much to say. I am trying to keep up with everyone's blogs but I am a little behind.

How is life treating you? Have you smiled today?


Robert said...

I smiled when I was reading your post! heh! Lost 7 lbs? Congrats! that's a big accomplishment. You're more than half way to go then.

You ARE a busy bee Cesar!! Hope you're enjoying all the scenaries! :-)

Martinez Family said...

Wow. You're going to be a skinny minny! Way to go!

KB said...

I'm pissed that you're losing weight! Who the hell do you think you are anyway! Bettering yourself like that! How dare you!

OK OK, congrats and blah blah blah. I'm just jealous that I can only lose 5 then go out on the weekend and it's all back. I was reading all about the Special K Challenge, and I think I'm going to do that. I used to eat Special K, but somehow I got out of the whole "eating cereal" thing. I really have been hating eating dinner every night, so I think I'm going to replace my evening meal with Special K instead. I'll let you know how that goes. I plan to start it as soon as I'm finished with the wedding dresses. I want to start walking and working out with the plan.