Monday, May 15, 2006

More pictures

So this is what the pots ended up looking like.

This pot is my favorite, we planted my favorite flower, fuschia.

Oh, and I am thinking about asking the guy that is moving to NM out on a date. I would like to get to know him before he moves.


savante said...

Why are there no flowers yet :O


Martinez Family said...

Let me help identify the fabulous plants beautifying Kai's patio...

Pot #1: fuschia, salvia and pentas. The salvia should get much taller of the course of the summer, which will contrast nicely with the fuschia flowing down the sides of the pot. The penta will add bright bits of color in the middle.

Pot #2: hibiscus and lantana. Again, the hibiscus will grow taller while the lantana will gradually spill out the pot. (P.S. the poor hibiscus isn't looking too perky. It desperately needed a drink. I'll bet it's looking much better now.)

Pot #3: Mexican heather. This will get full and bushy over the summer. I love it. It's such a carefree plant.

Now everyone help me remind CR to water!!

Anonymous said...

It looks so pretty. The color of the pot. And the plan you planted is so pretty, too. good taste. Don't let it die like I do. :-)

Good luck on the guy!

Just Me said...

Paul - The hibiscus has a lot of flowers now. It looks very pretty. I think I am going to plant some more this weekend. I am really enjoying them so far and I am even watering them :)

SM - Thanks for the identification and for planting these for me. You ROCK! Are you ready to plant some more this weekend?

Shigeki - Thanks. I really like the flowers we planted, I may go get some more this weekend.

BG - I am right there with you, I have killed so many plants it's not even funny.