Monday, May 29, 2006

Birthday Surprise

No it's not my birthday.

I was shopping for my nephews birthday present and I bought him a shirt and pants, while I was there I decided to buy myself something nice. I bought some underwear. Yes, some of my trashy underwear. Since I am not very good at wrapping I decided to have the store wrap them for me. Normally I would just buy a gift bag and throw the gift in but I decided to put some extra effort into this one.

I went to the customer service department and handed over my packaged to be wrapped while I did some more shopping. The gift was wrapped beautifully.

When I got to the party my nephew started opening gifts. Most of them were toys as you would expect but he did get some interesting stuff. When he got to my gift he pulls out a pair of pants, a shirt, and guessed it...a trashy pair of underwear. My sister looks at me and I can feel my face getting RED and all I can say is "Those aren't for him". What else could I do or say? I am going to try to get a picture of him holding up the underwear so I can post it on here. :)

If you are in the US, I hope you are having a great day off.
If you are at work, enjoy your Monday!


Martinez Family said...

Suh-weet! Boy I'm disappointed that I missed that. I bet the work on your face was priceless!

Martinez Family said...

I meant look.

porchmouse said...

WHOA...I knew where that was headed when you started describing him opening his gifts and couldn't wait to keep reading...ha ha ha...


Will said...

Now, if he said "awwww, I've already got these!," that would be the perfect ending.

What color were they?

KB said...

That's hilarious! AHHHHHH I can't stop giggling! I love it!

Topher said...

Pikcher pleeeease!

ça va pas la tête said...

hahahahah cute.

KB said...

Kris. I totally read your comment as "Pecker Please" ha ha ha! I was like, holy cow he really likes kai! ha ha ha!

I want to see these slutty undies too. I've helped Kai pick out his underwear, so I'm interested in seeing what he picked out without me. :o)

Robert said...

Yeah, I want to see a picture of you 'holding' up your underwear!! You dirty, dirty boy!!

Pretty please??

fwmama's original comment's fun-knee: "I bet the work on your face was priceless!" hahaha!

Just Me said...

SM - It was. I was so red. It was horrible.

Sue - It wasn't funny at the time but I can laugh about it now. I think my sister is mad but she will get over it...I hope. :)

will - They were black with white elastic band but in the front the elastic band formes a V and continues down to the crotch area. Very nice :)

KB - It was kind of funny. I think my nephew will need therapy.

Kris - I haven't found a picture. But I am working on it.

ça va pas la tête - It was kind of funny. Kind of.

Robert - I may even model them for you guys :) Maybe...just maybe :)

Robert said...

Prove it, you big T-zer! :-)