Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Down Hill

They say that once you turn 30 things start going down hill.

If you believe everything you read then I should expect to loose my sex drive as well as my metabolism...among other things.

I am not sure about all of that but I do know things are going down hill...and fast.

Three weeks ago I hurt my arms and I wasn't able to lower them all the way down. I was forced to walk with my arms by my chest for about a week. Not very attractive.

Last week I pulled a groin muscle and I was in pain. So much pain that I was heavily drugged for a couple of days. I wasn't able to jog through all this, the pain was to much. There was one night were I wasn't able to sleep but then in the morning the pain was completely gone. It was a miracle.

I am ready for 31, maybe it will be better then.


Martinez Family said...

Poor Kai. He's all tore up! Feel better!

Topher said...

Oh my... Hope you feel better soon enough!!

KB said...

Am I the only one that laughed out loud at the thought of you and your arms not being able to go all the way down? ha!

Well, I didn't think anything dif happened to me so far as going down hill until now. Now I'm 31, knocked up, and my body is going to be a mess from here on out I'm sure. I'm walking like a Weeble Wobble, I can't bend over without making that "uuuuuuggh!" noise, and it's really hard to share the shower with my husband anymore.