Friday, September 14, 2007

Expensive Lesson

I learned an expensive lesson.
I have been having electrical issues at home over the last few months and I figured it was time to have a professional come out and take a look at my issue before my place burned down.
All three lights in my dinning room flicker when I turn them on. Two of them stopped working completely. I figured it was an electrical short an called the electrician for an estimate for that and a few other things that I have never bothered with.
When the guys doing the work show up, they look at my lights, at the light switch, at me and said "The reason your lights flicker is because you can't use those energy efficient light bulbs with dimmer switches."
I paid to have someone come out and tell me that. Can you believe that? Learn from my mistake, if you have a dimmer DO NOT INSTALL THE ENERGY EFFICIENT LIGHT BULBS!
While they were they did fix some other stuff though. So I guess it was worth it.

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Birthday Post 2

Okay. He didn't forget. We went to a play last night and before the play started he said he wanted to tell me what he got me for my birthday because he was concerned I wouldn't' like it.
After two guesses I figured out what it was:
My guesses
1. Iphone - No
2. Trip - No
3. A dog - YES! YES! YES!
He was going to get me a chocolate lab but he had to get it by today because it was the last one. After the play, we talked about it and decided to wait until after we get a house.
He said he had other things lined up now it's just a matter of getting my Nancy Drew instincts on.

Friday, September 07, 2007


My birthday is coming up on October 7. I don't think my boyfriend remembers and I don't want to say anything about it.
If he does remember, i don't think he is planning anything. Which he better after what I did for his birthday! He is really busy with work this coming week but if nothing is planned by the next two weeks I will just have to take matters into my own hands and plan something myself. Maybe a small party? Maybe a small dinner? Maybe a little vacation?
I like the last option but we will see.
What do you like to do for your birthday?
Has anyone ever forgotten your birthday?
My family once forgot my sisters birthday. This happened about 3 years ago. She is our oldest sister and she has always remembered our birthdays, even when we didn't live in the same state she would always send us a birthday card and call us. We felt so bad about forgetting and she felt even worse that we all forgot. We made up for it the following week and had a little party for her. The following year we all pitched in and threw her a big party. She deserved it!


This is going to be a very busy month for us. There are so many things going on that we have to attend. We were looking at our calendars last night and we have an event every day for the next two weeks.
The rest of the year doesn't look much better.

Los Angeles

My trip to Los Angeles was a lot of fun and I cam back with a nice tan.
It was extremely hot while I was there. One day, the temperature was 111 degrees farenheit. It was horrible. My parents live in the valley so we would leave the valley during the day and go to the beach and hang out. The temperature was about 85 degrees and the water was freezing cold, it was probably in the 60's.
I was there for my neices QuinceƱera, which is like a sweet sixteen, and the party was a lot of fun.
I met up with a blogger while I was there. Robert, previously of He doesn't blog anymore but he should. Robert took me shopping and out to dinner. Thanks Robert!