Monday, February 12, 2007

Valentines, Auction and other Happenings

I still don’t know what to get B for Valentines. I thought about getting him an ipod and loading it songs. We may not be great singers but in the comfort of our homes and our cars we sing at the top of our lungs. We are both horrible singers.

I also thought about getting season tickets to the theater; or
Cuff links; or
Booking a hotel for a weekend get away.

Still not sure what I will end up doing.

B was being auctioned off in a Bachelor Auction last night. He agreed to do this last year when he was still single so I was okay with him doing it. He asked me to go along and I went for a couple of drinks but I left before the bidding began. A few of my friends were out there and one of them called me

Friend: Uhhh, one of them just went for $600 and he had to strip down to his underwear. Are you sure you want your man out here in his skivvies?
Me: He doesn’t wear underwear; he won’t remove more than his shirt. I am okay with that.
Friend: These men are wild; you better come back up here. Click.

20 minutes later.

Friend: B is on. Do you want to listen?
Me: (uninterested) sure.
Friend: He just took off his shirt. Now they are asking him to take off his pants. Uhhh, he just undid his belt.
Me: What? He is not wearing underwear. He better not take those off!
Friend: He just undid his button.
Me: He ain’t coming home tonight.

He didn’t take off the pants because he wasn’t wearing underwear. The money was for a good cause so I was totally okay with it. After the auctioned one of B’s good friends and our neighbor stopped by my place to tell me he had “won him” and that he was bidding on B because he didn’t want anyone else besides me going to dinner with B. Isn’t that nice?


Martinez Family said...

Awww. Cute story! :)

Robert said...

Now you have less than 2 days!!! Oh the PRESSURE!!!

KB said...

How come you didn't stay and bid on him? Why don't you like charities? What else do you have to do with your money? bad citizen you. Just kidding.

Why don't you do something like a carriage ride downtown. That was romatic when D and I did it. But it turned out to be really nice. You see the city in a whole new way because you don't have to worry about getting run over b/c you're looking up!

Topher said...

So whad'ya end up going with? I'm asking you this on the eve of V-day.