Wednesday, March 02, 2005


I am back from Vegas and I had a good time.

I am not going to bore you with to much of the details because 1. I know you don't care and 2. I can't write freely about what I want to write.
I got to see my parents on Sunday in Vegas and that was the highlight of my trip. I thought about hiding in the trunk of their car and have them take me back home to California. I was so close to going back close. (Humming California here I come..or is it San Francisco here I come?)I think my parents would love to have me back in CA, I just don't think I could ever live with them.

Anyway. Here is a summary of my trip in 50 word or less, Ready?

Missed flight and had to wait at airport for almost six hours. Didn't gamble that much, visited with parents. Did some shopping. Hanged around the pool and relaxed. Walked a lot, my feet hurt. For the juicy part, you are going to have to call me and find out.

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