Monday, February 19, 2007

Weekend and Chris Evans

I don't have anything exciting to report about the weekend. I was suppose to spend at least 6 hours doing homework but instead I spent all weekend with my boyfriend. Did I mention that I graduate in April? I am so forgetful sometimes and to lazy to look at old post.

Friday we decided to stay in and just watch movies. We ordered food and fell asleep on the couch. We were tired.

Saturday I was woken up with an emergency phone call so I had to jump out of bed and go meet one of my friends. Things turned out okay. I didn't do much the rest of the day. Saturday we did this thing that was way to much work...and we meet up with one of his friends that was in from out of town. We went out to the bars and had a good time.

Sunday we spent all day in bed. We got up to go meet his friend for lunch, he went home for about 2 hours, came back took a nap, went to a meeting, came back and slept until around 9 p.m. He didn't sleep over last night because he was off today and wanted to sleep in. I had to be at work at 6:30 so he would have woken up at that time.

Exciting news: I get to meet Chris Evans on Thursday. I will try to take a picture with him and upload it here next week. Who is jealous?

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Valentines Update

Valentines Day was even more amazing than I thought it would be.

I decided to get him the ipod and load it with music we both like but then I decided to hold off on opening it just in case he didn't like it. He loved it of course.

Dinner was great, I am still full this morning.

He is such an amazing guy, we could have gone to McDonald's and I would have been happy just because I was with him. I know it sound cheesy but it is so true.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Valentines, Auction and other Happenings

I still don’t know what to get B for Valentines. I thought about getting him an ipod and loading it songs. We may not be great singers but in the comfort of our homes and our cars we sing at the top of our lungs. We are both horrible singers.

I also thought about getting season tickets to the theater; or
Cuff links; or
Booking a hotel for a weekend get away.

Still not sure what I will end up doing.

B was being auctioned off in a Bachelor Auction last night. He agreed to do this last year when he was still single so I was okay with him doing it. He asked me to go along and I went for a couple of drinks but I left before the bidding began. A few of my friends were out there and one of them called me

Friend: Uhhh, one of them just went for $600 and he had to strip down to his underwear. Are you sure you want your man out here in his skivvies?
Me: He doesn’t wear underwear; he won’t remove more than his shirt. I am okay with that.
Friend: These men are wild; you better come back up here. Click.

20 minutes later.

Friend: B is on. Do you want to listen?
Me: (uninterested) sure.
Friend: He just took off his shirt. Now they are asking him to take off his pants. Uhhh, he just undid his belt.
Me: What? He is not wearing underwear. He better not take those off!
Friend: He just undid his button.
Me: He ain’t coming home tonight.

He didn’t take off the pants because he wasn’t wearing underwear. The money was for a good cause so I was totally okay with it. After the auctioned one of B’s good friends and our neighbor stopped by my place to tell me he had “won him” and that he was bidding on B because he didn’t want anyone else besides me going to dinner with B. Isn’t that nice?

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Valentines & Flowers

I got home yesterday after work and I had flowers sitting by my front door. They were in a beautiful vase and the card read “Thank you for being a wonderful person. xoxoxo”

Isn’t he sweet? He has been sick with the flu and I have been taking care of him, bringing him soup, getting him medicine, etc. Have I mentioned I like him a lot? And yes, we are officially boyfriends.

I have a dilemma. Valentines is coming up and I don’t know what to get him. He paid for the restaurant we are having dinner and it was a bit pricy. I have offered to pay but he won’t take my money.

The dilemma is that I don’t know what to get him for Valentines. I was thinking of getting him cuff links but that isn’t enough. Do you have any ideas?