Monday, September 05, 2005

I am a prisoner in my own home (help)

I have a baby lizard living in my home and I am terrified. Every time I walk through the kitchen it dashes across the room and sends me screaming and running like a little girl and I don't know what to do. I know I shouldn't be afraid of a tiny defenseless animal but it always catches me off guard. I can't kill it because that would just be wrong but I don't want it living with me. Doesn't it miss his/her mamma? Doesn't it want to go back home?

If you have any good lizard catching tips let me know.


KB said...

Obviously it thinks you are it's mama. he he he.

Why don't you go to Walmart or the Petsmart or somewhere and get one of those live traps. That way you can catch it and release it somewhere.

Otherwise, I reccomend some rat poisoning or something that it can eat and die. But then you'll have to wait for it to start to smell to find where it kicked the bucket so you can remove it.

KB said...

How is the Lizard problem? Did you kill it or make friends with it?

Also, I'm curious... Is Fatima Starving to death yet?