Monday, September 05, 2005

I am a prisoner in my own home (help)

I have a baby lizard living in my home and I am terrified. Every time I walk through the kitchen it dashes across the room and sends me screaming and running like a little girl and I don't know what to do. I know I shouldn't be afraid of a tiny defenseless animal but it always catches me off guard. I can't kill it because that would just be wrong but I don't want it living with me. Doesn't it miss his/her mamma? Doesn't it want to go back home?

If you have any good lizard catching tips let me know.

Welcome to the Family

As many of you know I have been wanting a dog for a very long time and since I never got one I have decided to adopt a virtual pet. Her name is Fatima, isn't she adorable?


I had such a great time in California. I am finally back in TX (not that I want to be back) and enjoying my busy life once again. Although I have been back for exactly a week I still keep hoping that I will wake up in the morning and find myself in Los Angeles or San Francisco.
It was a great vacation, Chico went with me and we went out every night we were there except for 2 days. That is 10 days of going out and staying out until at least 1 a.m. and up to 5 a.m. When I got back I was exhausted. I don't regret it though, we met some great people and I came back with a GREAT tan. I know, I know, I am Mexican, how much of a tan could I have gotten...but let me tell you...I have the perfect color now. I wish I was this dark all of the time.
Here are some highlights of the trip:
Saw Family (Mom, Dad, Sister)
Took Chico to see some of the tourist stuff
Did some great shopping
Went to San Francisco
Had some time to think

I know the recap is short and it doesn't have a lot of details but I can't bring myself to bore you with 12 days full of stuff in one entry. I will just say I had fun and I can't wait to go back again.

One more thing...I did some shopping while I was there and bought some great casual clothes. This past Friday I was at a local bar and I came to the realization that I would never be able to wear the clothes I bought. The new clothes are casual and I live in an uptight, pretentious city. I guess I will have to put them away until I go on vacation again.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

I Confess

My confessions

[ ] I am bisexual

[x ] I am homosexual

[ ]I've run away from home

[] I listen to political music.

[ ] I collect comic books.

[X I shut others out when I'm sad

[X] I open up to others easily -

[X] I am keeping a secret from the world

[X] I watch the news

[ ] I own over 5 rap CDs

[ ] I own an ipod they jacked IT!

[] I own something from Hot Topic

[X] I love Disney movies.

[ ] I am a sucker for brown hair

[ ]I don't kill bugs.

[x] I curse regularly.

[ ] I have "x"s in my screen name.

[] I've slipped out a "lol" in a real conversation.

[ ] I love Spam (wait.. spam maill?? or food spam?? well either..

[ ] I bake well

[x] I would wear pajamas to school.

[] I own something from Abercrombie

[X] I have a job

[X ] I love Martha Stewart.

[X WELL, IN MY OWN WAY] I am in love with someone.

[ ] I am guilty of tYpInG lIkE tHiS

[X] I am self conscious.

[X] I like to laugh.

[] I smoke a pack a day.

[] loved Go Ask Alice.

[x] I have cough drops when I'm not sick

[ ] I can't swallow pills. - i have to break them in half

[ ] I have many scars

[x]I've been out of this country

[ X] I believe in ghosts.

[ ] I can't sleep if there is a spider in the room

[x ] I am really ticklish.

[x] I LOOOVE chocolate.

[X ] I bite my nails

[X] I am comfortable with being me

[] I play computer games/video games when I'm bored

[ X ] Gotten lost in the city

[] Saw a shooting star.

[] I had a serious Surgery.

[X] Gone out in public in your pajamas

[X ] I have kissed a stranger.

[] Hugged a stranger.

[] been in a fist fight with the same sex.

[] Been arrested.

[]Laughed and had milk/soda come out of your nose.

[] Pushed all the buttons on an elevator

[X] Made out in an elevator.

[] Swore at your parents.

[] Kicked a guy where it hurts

[ ] Been skydiving.

[ ] Been bungee jumping.

[] Broken a bone.

[x] Played spin the bottle.

[X] Gotten stitches

[ ] Drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour.

[X] Bitten someone.

[ ] Been to Yosemite Falls.

[X] Gotten the chicken pox.

[] Crashed into a car.

[ ] Been to Japan

[X] Ridden in a taxi

[] Shoplifted.

[] Been fired.

[X] had feelings for someone who didn't have them back

[ ] Stole something from your job.

[x] Gone on a blind date.

[x] Had a crush on a teacher/coach.

[] Celebrated Mardi Gras in New Orleans.

[X ] Been to Europe.

[x ] Slept with a co-worker.

[ ] Been married

[ ] Gotten divorced.

[] Saw someone dying.

[x] Driven over 400 miles in one day.

[X ] Been to Canada.

[X] Been on a plane.

[] Seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show.

[] Thrown up in a bar.

[X] Eaten Sushi.

[ ] Been snowboarding.

[ ] Been skiing.

[X] Been ice skating.

[X] Met someone in person from the internet.

[ ] Been to a motocross show.

[x] Going to or have gone to college.

[] Done hard drugs

[X] Taken painkillers.

[ ] Cheated on someone else ..

pass this on with your own confessions