Tuesday, November 29, 2005

How Impersonal!!!

Last night I was at dinner with one of my friends who is visiting from Los Angeles and while we are having dinner I receive a text message. Normally I silence my phone when I eat but we were having such a good time that I completely forgot about it.
It turns out to be a text message from the guy that was suppose to rent my house and in this text message he tells me that he after some consideration they will not be able to rent my house.

I know we are living in a high tech world but come on. I think this is the equivalent of breaking up with someone over email...or sending electronic flowers.

Does anyone else think this was impersonal?

Monday, November 28, 2005

Bad Boys, Bad Boys, Whatcha going to do...

Originally I thought I wasn't going to get an alarm system in my new home because I didn't want an additional bill and I didn't want to set up a home phone but after going to the police website and checking out the crime statistics I am not sure sure I can do without an alarm.

The red is either aggravated assault, murder or BMV related and the blue is either residential burglary or individual robbery.

Does't it look scary? That is a lot of red and blue.

After zooming in it doesn't look so bad.

Mostly theft, car theft and business theft. I will still have to consider getting an alarm...I don't want my home to be one of the ones that get burglarized but at the same time I don't know I want that monthly bill. We will see.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Thanksgiving, dreams, and other random things

Thanksgiving was great. We normally don't celebrate Thanksgiving in my family but this year we all got together since my mom is in town. We had two turkeys, and all of the side foods plus some Mexican additions to the table such as salsa, flan and tortillas :) It was way to much food and way to many deserts but I enjoyed every bite of it.

So I was at my new place yesterday after work and I met with one of my friends who is a contractor and he looked at some of the things I want to get done before I move in. One of those is hard wood floors. We measured and then we went to Home Depot to look at the different colors and types. The hottest guy helped us, his name is Aaron and he speaks with the cutest lisp. I have to go back and return some stuff I bought and buy new door locks. Maybe I will get Aaron to help me :) This will definitely be my new Home Depot!
My friend
  • Chico
  • joined us and while we were waiting at my place for my contractor friend to show up we discovered that I have an elephant living above me. This guy is going to be loud. When I was back there today he kept walking back and forth from one side to the other. I may have to go elephant hunting soon.

    I am going to be painting all day tomorrow and Saturday. I am not looking forward to it but I did most of the prep work today. I drove up there early in the morning and I put tape down, filled holes, caulked, and fixed some other stuff. After I paint it will be ready for me to move in. My friend
  • Chico
  • will be helping me and I am thankful for that. Maybe it will take half as long now that I will have help. If any of you are in the neighborhood swing by and pick up a paint brush. Free food and
  • Chico
  • is bringing the wine.

    I have had a some-what re-occurring dream the last three days. It always involves me and another guy who apparently is my boyfriend. Last night we were going on a trip together to one of my social events and I was helping him pack by telling him what I needed him to wear while we were there (two suits, a black one with the stripes and a charcoal gray one). And that would normally sound like me telling people what I need them to do but then I did something socking...I asked him what he needed me to pack. Although this doesn't sound like much, it is a pretty big deal for me. I am not self-absorbed, but after so many years of being single I usually don't change my habits after I meet a guy. It is still about me first and about our relationship second. I know it is bad, I know I should change. Maybe the fact that this guy has been for 3 days in a row means a long relationship is on its way. :) I can always hope right :)

    I hope I dream of him tonight.

    Monday, November 21, 2005


    I closed on my condo today and I am beyond excited!

    I can't help but feel guilty though, my mother came to town from L.A. to help me clean my house and pack, sell, and throw away everything I have in our current house. Since she got here I have noticed that she has been a little sad because she is packing, throwing away, and selling some of her stuff. Although this is my house, everyone (my family)calls it 'our' house. This is where my parents stay when they come to town. This is where we celebrate our family Christmas, New Years, and other holidays even though my house is the smallest out of my brothers and sisters houses. This is where my sisters families stay when their a/c or their house is being worked on. And finally, this is where my brother lives when he is on vacation from college.

    Anyway, even though my sisters are happy for me they are a little sad also...but I am still happy...one of my friends who was visiting from Aguascalientes MX this past week told me I am a selfish during one of our conversations about relationships. Selfish with my time. Selfish with my emotions. And maybe it also translates to my family. Selfish...maybe I agree. But how could I not feel happy?

    Anyway, my mood has changed since I started this post. I planned on telling you guys about my real estate agent and the gift he game me after we closed, the colours I want to paint my new place, and the plans for the house warming party. That will have to wait for another time.

    Hello Doctor & Weekend Update

    So I met this guy at a gathering over the weekend and he is cute, smart, funny, lives in the same state as I do, and he is adorable. I just don't know if he is interested in me or not. It was a brief conversation, actually not so brief I now know most of his history. We talked, we laughed, we flirted (or I flirted...I think he was flirting with me also) and we had a good time. I gave him my number before I was dragged away so hopefully he will call me. Keep your fingers crossed for me, I think he may be a keeper.

    Soo...Saturday morning I decided I was going to take the wallpaper off in the restroom, paint, and fix it up a little before I rent out my house. Well, I should have had this idea before my mother came to town. I love her to death but she made my simple weekend project last a lot longer than I wanted it to. She decided it would look better if we added texture to the walls, and I don't know how to do that so now we are going to wait until my father visits for Christmas to fix the restroom. It looks horrible, all of the wallpaper is down. I will be glad when I finally move.

    Other than that my weekend was pretty uneventful. I went shopping with my one of my friends who gets a discount at a major retailer and I took advantage of his friends and family discount. I now have more than what I will need to decorate my new place.

    Oh, the guy is a med student and is currently doing his rotations.

    Friday, November 18, 2005

    Why Me?

    This morning as I am getting ready for work I decide to be a rebel. That is right, I decided to be a rebel. Normally I wear a suit and tie to work but today I, Cesar the Rebel, I decided not to wear a suit and only wear slacks, a dress shirt and a tie.
    I was just informed a few minutes ago that we will have a meeting with our General Counsel at 10:30 and I don't have a suit jacket to wear.

    This is what happens when I am spontaneous. Next time you guys tell me that I need to step out of my box and be more spontaneous I will remind of November the 18th when I took a chance, became a rebel and wound up in a quandary.

    Thursday, November 17, 2005


    Since my mom is home right now and she is going to have all kinds of GOOOOOD food cooked for me when I get home, I decided to take my 3 hour final during lunch today instead of doing it after work. I am not sure what happened but I completely bombed the final. Completely.
    I studied so hard and I even passed up on a couple of opportunities to go out and have a good time to stay home and study.

    Para desquitarme (I don't know how to say it in english but it is something like...now to get revenge) I am going to have a few drinks tonight.

    The Case of the Missing Suitcase

    My mother came into town yesterday for a long visit and I picked her up from the airport. As we are waiting at baggage claim C25 we catch up, wait for her luggage, decide where we want to have dinner, wait for her luggage, talk about my family and wait, and we wait some more. Next thing you know there are two lonely suitcases in the carousel and everyone is gone except for this couple with two young kids and my mothers suitcase is nowhere to be found. Luckily there is a baggage desk right next to C25 so I asked the guy (who I think was from Nigeria b/c of his accent)and he points to the carousel and asks me "Is that your suit case?" I look at it, then at him and I say "No" as if he had just asked the dumbest question in the world. So the search begins. 15 minutes later my mother and I are snacking on some chips and drinking a diet coke and he comes up and says "I am sorry sir but we cannot find your suitcase we will continue to look for it, do you want to come back?" and since I don't live so close to the airport we wait...and wait...he comes back with a big smile on his face and he tells me they found my mother suitcase. Guess where it was? Go on, Guess.

    It was spinning on the carousel the whole time. The whole time. The same suitcase he asked about earlier. So I looked at the guy apologetically, took the suit case, and we left the airport embarrassed but laughing all the way to the restaurant.

    It turns out my mother forgot she had borrowed my dads suitcase because hers was to small. It was very funny.

    Wednesday, November 16, 2005

    Work It

    I was running late this morning because I didn't have a good nights rest. I kept having a dream that I don't care to retell (and no, it wasn't a dirty dream). But anyway, as I am rushing in my building I am putting on my suit coat and my security guard tells me "Looking Good. Looking Good. Work It. Alright!"

    What does that mean? Have I become so gay that even my security guard knows it? Does it mean anything?

    I thought it was funny, I smiled and said "Thanks".

    It's the little things

    I am so proud of myself! Last night I was driving around running errands and there the only place I could park was on the street to so I had to attempt parallel parking. Normally if I have to parallel park I either keep driving until I find a better parking space or I pay to park OR who ever is in the car with me parks my car. Not yesterday. I was in a hurry and had to be somewhere else so instead of driving around I paralleled park without any coaching or without any embarrassing situations. It probably took me a little longer than most but I was proud never the less.
    I freaking paralleled park!

    Sarah...do you remember our Sears Driving School days? Would you ever have thought that I would be capable of such thing?

    Monday, November 14, 2005

    Studying, Shootings, and Weekend Update

    I don't really have much to say, I didn't do much this weekend other than study so it was rather uneventful. I went to a little dinner gathering on Friday in FW and had a good time. I think I was sitting next to one of my friends ex boyfriends but I am not really sure, we talked most of the night and by the end of the night everyone thought we were flirting...No, not really...we were just having a really good conversation.

    I had two meetings on Saturday for a nonprofit...I don't normally talk to much about this part of my life just because I don't really know what to say or how to say it. Being the president of a nonprofit is a lot of work. I will leave it at that.

    There was a shooting three blocks down from me on Saturday. Scary isn't it? Some kids were driving by and they shot at a house where a black couple and their small child(ren) live. It wasn't gang related (I don't think we have gangs in our neighborhood) so I was a little confused on why anyone would want to shoot at the home of a couple with young children. One of my neighbors thinks it was racially motivated.
    I passed by the house and there were a lot of HUGE bullet holes. I don't know anything about guns but I would think the guns they used must have been powerful.
    I don't think anyone was hurt but I can't image disliking anyone or a group of people so much that I would want to hurt them. Not to long ago someone I know told me he hated me...I would be lying if I said it didn't hurt a little at the moment but that didn't last very long. I can't expect everyone to like me, I was more shocked by the public, immature and childish way in which it was done. Anyway, back to my story... I can't imagine disliking anyone so much that I would want to hurt them.
    Thinking of this event made me think of the KKK and the march against Proposition 2 in Austin and how their hatred has hurt so many people. It made me think of the countless killings each year that happen around the world because of differences in ideology. The countless of lives that are cut short because someone hated so much they were able to take someone's life.
    Next time you find yourself using the word hate think of the hate groups that use this word as part of their vocabulary and the groups that have become associated with this word. Do you really want anything to do with that?

    Friday, November 11, 2005

    Sentimental Fool

    Sentimental Fool
    Originally uploaded by kai7710.

    I have been cleaning my house and I have come to the conclusion that I am a sentimental fool. I keep so many things that remind me of good times...bad times...and everything in between.

    While I was cleaning I threw out so much that I filled my recycling bin and my trash can with stuff that I wanted to keep at one point.
    The heart is an example of one of those things. This heart was given to me by one of my good friends,

  • Kerry
  • . She gave it to me along with a black and white tiger that said "I am wild about you" and it is made out of starburst wrappers. Isn't it cute?

    I probably should have thrown it out but I decided to keep it in one of my boxes that I am putting in storage. I don't get to see
  • Kerry
  • anymore and the fact that she cared enough to make this for me means a lot to me. That is the problem with wanting to clean my house and unclutter it a little, everything has sentimental value or I wouldn't have kept it

    Big Mistake

    Do you guys watch Sex in the City? Did you watch the episode where Carrie is trying to get over Big (I know, she is always trying to get over Big)and she calls up her fuck buddy and thinks she could possible build a relationship and invites him to dinner only to realize they have nothing to in common?

    Well, I made a similar mistake last night. I went to see a play with some friends in Fort Worth and I invited an old "friend". I was running terrible late so we grabbed a quick bite to eat and the conversation was just awkward. He is a nice guy but is just not for me I guess. He has a little to much attitude and I don't think he realizes he has attitude. On top of that he is lacking some social skills. He was falling asleep at the play, how embarrassing is that? I finally asked him to go outside.

    Oh, by the way. The play was great.

    Tuesday, November 08, 2005

    What is wrong with you?

    Actually, what is wrong with me? As I have mentioned in previous post, I have a lot more free time at work at my new job than I use to at my old one so I when I get bored I surf the net and I read other peoples blogs. I have found some really interesting blogs out there but there is one problem. Nobody ever updates their blogs so I have nothing to read while I am bored.

    What is wrong with you guys? Why don't you update your blog for me so I can be entertained?

    Hopefully I won't be bored for to long, I am being placed in a special project this week that should take a lot of my time. I love the project environment, everything is critical and there is little room for mistake. Stress...how I love thee.

    I hope you guys are having a blessed day. (A lady at work use to say that....do you remember her Kerry?)

    Monday, November 07, 2005

    Cesar Needs

    As I was surfing the net today during work I came across
  • Sam's
  • blog with a meme. So in my infinite boredom I tried it out.

    Here are the instructions...Visit
  • Google.com
  • , put your first name and the word needs in quotations (e.g., "Cesar needs" ) in the search box, and then click the Google Search button. Write down the top 10 results.

    01. Cesar needs Care
    02. Cesar needs Your Help!
    Cesareasr needs a Pal
    04. Cesar needs someone to refresh his memory on his training and keep him active.
    05. Cesar needs to be deported back to Spain
    06. Cesar - needs help!
    07. Cesar needs your feedback
    08. Cesar needs to work on its timing.
    09. Cesar needs to walk a delicate line while addressing the problem.
    10. Cesar needs to improve in the second half

    Two out of ten say I need help. I would totally agree.

    Friday, November 04, 2005


    Have I mentioned that I have become a total and complete klutz? One of my friends said that it could be because of my lack of sleep...I want to believe that.

    Yesterday, I had a huge red stain on the back of my shirt so I was forced to walk around with my suit jacket every where I went. I have also been spilling food all over myself when I go out to lunch.

    Today...Today of all days!!! I ripped my pants...right on the side by my pocket. You can see my underwear...It is huge...I can't go home because it is not even noon...so I am going to stick it out here for a few more hours, close the door to my office and avoid human contact at all cost.

    I use to have such great eye hand coordination.

    Thursday, November 03, 2005

    Condo Bylaws

    My real estate agent (who is a total and complete hottie) dropped off my paper work for the condo I put a bid on yesterday and I don't think I can move into a place that places so many restrictions on how you live your life.
    Here are a few of the restrictions listed on the bylaws:

    1. I can't have a waterbed in the condo...it is a structural hazard.
    2. I can't carry on any immoral, improper, unlawful or offensive activities.
    3. I can't keep horses, cows, hogs, sheep, goats ducks, chicken or turkeys.

    Now, I can live with 1 and 3. I hate attribute and my place will be way to small to have and cows BUT how am I suppose to live my life without being able to carry on immoral or unlawful activity? I am just completely lost, I may call the whole deal off.

    No, not really. I love the place. It is small but it is just me so I don't need the three bedroom house I am living in now. As it is, I only use one of the bedrooms, one of the bathrooms, the living room and the kitchen. The rest of the house goes unused.

    As soon as I have pictures I will post them. I am going to have some minor work done to it before I move in :) I can't wait. It has TWO huge patios that will be great for entertaining.

    Just Like Me

    During one of my meditation or yoga classes I learned to play a game called "Just Like Me". I normally play this game when I am stuck in traffic or when I am waiting in line. Now that I am driving to Dallas for work everyday and I am stuck in traffic for an hour or an hour and a half I get to play it a lot more often.

    This morning I was stuck in traffic for an hour and a half because of two accidents off of 20 and 67.

    So here is how you play...while sitting in traffic you look at the person in the car next to yours and you say "Just Like Me he/she is in a hurry to get to work" or "Just Like Me he/she feels abandoned by (insert name of ex-boyfriend here)". The point of the game is to express your feelings openly and out loud (to yourself) by projecting your feelings onto someone else. Sometimes you may feel a certain way but until you actually express your feelings out loud it doesn't really hit you how you actually feel about it.

    I really enjoy playing this game, you should give it a try.

    I have great news!!! I may not be making the drive to Dallas anymore...I may actually be living in Dallas soon. I placed a contract on a condo last night, hopefully they will accept my offer and I can move around Thanksgiving. All I have to do now is find renters for my house in Fort Worth.